The Phoenix TIMS combines our proven source design and optics with newly developed detector technologies to produce the highest precision data. The Phoenix is completely customisable to suit the needs of your lab now and future-proofing your lab for new applications.

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Who doesn’t hate airports?
I’m writing the first words of this blog at Manchester Airport before an international trip with work. Planning this trip triggered the idea for this blog; how business travel has changed and the lessons I have learned over the intervening years. I have the kind of personality that could be politely referred to as “detail…
Why is training so hard?
In my last blog post I briefly mentioned my training experiences and thought that this might make for a blog all on its own. For clarity, I spent three years working in a sales training role, although my job title at the time was the somewhat ambiguous “Instructional Designer”. In this role I was responsible…
How do you sell an isotope ratio mass spec?
Some years ago, I had a role in the sales training department of a large scientific instrument company. My job was to help train the sales team to be able to effectively sell the products and solutions we had on offer. The thrust of the training was typically to focus on the benefit to the…
Inorganic mass spec – the outliers
Regular readers of this blog know that much of my working life has been spent with inorganic mass spectrometers, from quadrupole and multicollector ICP-MS to stable isotope MS and through to TIMS and noble gas MS. That covers most of the “common” inorganic MS, if we can ever call them that, but what about the…
Who would be a conference exhibitor?
We’re in conference season at the moment, with several of the biggest geochemistry conferences taking place in the second half of the year. That got me thinking about what life is like as an exhibitor. I began my career as an academic, and when I attended conferences, I mostly saw the exhibitors as an opportunity…
Latest News & Events
New osmium application note
How small an ion beam can ATONA® ultra-low noise Faraday collectors measure and still get useful osmium isotope ratio data? We’ve recently added a new application note that investigates whether the ATONA Faraday amplifier system can benefit the precise measurement of osmium isotopes in low level samples. To read the application note, click here.
Goldschmidt 2025 | Isotopx to Attend in Prague
6-11 July 2025 Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic We are delighted to announce that Isotopx will be attending the Goldschmidt 2025 meeting from July 6th to 11th at the Prague Congress Centre. You will be able to find us at booth 33. The Goldschmidt Conference® is the premiere international meeting on geochemistry. It is owned jointly…
Isotopx at AGU 2024
As usual, we’re at the AGU Fall Meeting, this year in Washington DC. If you happen to be at AGU, come and see us at booth 440. You probably know all about the Fall Meeting already, but if not, check it out here.